Saturday, October 28, 2006

Nov 7, 2006 - Dr. Emoto Seminar

Asbury Hall at the Church
341 Delaware, Buffalo

7:00 pm
Tickets: $20.00


For those of you unfamiliar with Dr. Emoto's work, he is a Japanese scientist who photographs water proving that with our thoughts and our words, we change our Universe.

This is being proven with Quantum Physics!
Fascinating Stuff! Check it out!

Link to Dr. Emoto's Work:

If you think you might want to trek up to Buffalo to see him, call Sarah @ 607-703-9999 and I'll fix you up with tickets.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The "How to Add a Post" Post

This is where your link will appear if you add one.

This is for all the newbies out there - which I am, too! Hopefully this will simplify the process so that we can all start getting the news posted asap! You will need to be a registered blogger (when you do step 1 below, a pop-up sign-in box will allow you to register). You will also need to be a member of this blog. See the last post below for how to join us.

1) Hit - Blog This! - at the top of the page and sign in.

2) At the top of the dialog box that pops up, create your title for your blog.

3) In the main box, the html for a link appears. If you want to add a link to your site or some other site for reference, replace - - with your url (ex. http// Then replace - A Bee Line From the Grapevine - with the title of your link (ex. Bodhi Tree Coffee Co. - forgive me for shamelessly promoting my favorite coffee here...). If you don't want to add a link, all you have to do is delete the html that appears.

4) Now tell us about your event. You can use the rich text button or html to enhance your entry. When you're done, click on - publish post - and you're all set.

Happy Buzzing!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

We might just have the hang of this finally

Ok everybody. If this one posts, then we're all there.

You gotta become a member. You gotta create a free account. It's very easy. Just let Loren know you wanna become a member (email him at and he'll send you an email and you can respond and that page (yes, I know this is one heck of a run-on...) will pop right up for you to join. Then you can post your own news. Please do. We want to know what's going on in the Fingerlakes! Take the time and help us out and spread the news!!!!!
