If you would like truly to be inspired and send out healing on Election Day, please join the PeaceWeavers in Buffalo as we host New York Times Best Selling Author Dr. Masaru Emoto. Over 500 people will be gathered at this amazing peace event, co-sponsored by Barnes & Noble and 20 other businesses in Buffalo. We will have African Kora & drumming, a lecture and slide presentation by Dr. Emoto, and an audience blessing of Great Lakes water, and book-signing.
Dr. Emoto's work is based on photographing frozen water crystals. He discovered many fascinating differences in the crystalline structures of water from many pristine and polluted sources around the globe. He also discovered that frozen water crystals reveal amazing transformations when exposed to specific external stimuli including words, music, photographs, thoughts and prayer. His work was recently featured in the remarkable film What the Bleep Do We Know?
Dr. Emoto's research points to how we can positively impact our environment as well as our health and well being. It helps us understand how every one of us influences the world around us everyday, in many ways. His message is personal to each of us since humans (and the earth's surface) are comprised mostly of water. This special evening is one of only eleven stops he is making in North America during his world tour.
If you want to make a stand for Peace on Election Day, vote and then join us for a truly inspiring evening. Here's the details.
Dr. Emoto Seminar
Messages from Water
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
7:00 PM
Asbury Hall at The Church
341 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, New York
General tickets: $20 advance/$25 at door
NOTE: per ticket convenience charge and processing fees may apply
For more information visit or call 607-776-4060
To purchase tickets visit any Ticketmaster outlet or call 716-852-5000